quick-closing valves, hydr./pn.
electric quick-closing valve
ARMATUREN-WOLFF quick-closing valves and quick-closing valve systems are worldwide in service on board of ships as well as in land-based industries. With its long experience in the development and production of these products, ARMATUREN-WOLFF counts among the leading manufacturers around the world. High quality is essential for these safety-relevant components. As with all products from ARMATUREN-WOLFF, the manufacturing processes in Hamburg follow strict quality and testing standards. Type Approvals and certifications by nearly all major classification societies confirm reliability and quality.
The large variety of material combinations, patterns and nominal sizes enables an individual solution for every requirement. Also the calculation and layout of complete systems is part of the service of a profound technical advice. Apart from the conventional hydraulic or pneumatic release mechanisms as well as the manual actuation, ARMATUREN-WOLFF offers also an internationally unique and patented concept, developed in-house: the electric quick-closing valve!
Oehleckerring 29
22419 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49-40-532 873-0
Fax +49-40-532 873-29